Delphi [Fatal Error]: File not found: ‘*.dcu’ (FFBaseComponent.dcu)

For the trial edition of FFVCL, there are not any *.dcu files distributed individually. All the *.dcu files were built in the packages – BPL/DCP files. So you have to configurate your project to build with runtime packages as below.

In Delphi IDE -> Main Menu -> Project -> Options -> Packages -> Runtime Packages -> Check “Build with runtime packages” -> Add “FFmpeg_Dx” (you’d better clear other packages.)

To run your application with the trial edition FFVCL, you need to place FFmpeg_Dx.bpl into the same folder of your application(exe), or add the path of FFmpeg_Dx.bpl into your PATH environment variable of Windows.

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FFVCL Encoder 10.2 and Player 10.2 Released

2024.02.01 FFVCL Encoder & Player 10.2

* update to FFmpeg 6.1.1

* FFmpeg DLLs built base on official ffmpeg 6.1.1
* This version is NOT compatible with previous FFmpeg DLLs.

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FFVCL Encoder 10.1 and Player 10.1 Released

2023.11.29 FFVCL Encoder & Player 10.1

* support Delphi 12 Athens
* update to FFmpeg 6.0.1

* FFmpeg DLLs built base on official ffmpeg 6.0.1

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FFVCL Encoder 10.0 and Player 10.0 Released

2023.04.19 FFVCL Encoder & Player 10.0

* update to FFmpeg 6.0
* all improvements in 8.1a which is not public release
* more minor improvements and some bug fixes

* new core fully rewritten

* new way of options like ffmpeg cmd line

* FFmpeg DLLs built base on official ffmpeg 6.0
* This version is NOT compatible with previous FFmpeg DLLs.

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FFVCL Encoder 8.1 and Player 8.1 Released

2022.09.05 FFVCL Encoder & Player 8.1

* update to FFmpeg 5.1

* FFmpeg DLLs built base on official ffmpeg 5.1
* This version is NOT compatible with previous FFmpeg DLLs.

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FFVCL Encoder 8.0 and Player 8.0 Released

2022.03.01 FFVCL Encoder & Player 8.0

* update to FFmpeg 5.0

* FFmpeg DLLs built base on official ffmpeg 5.0
* This version is NOT compatible with previous FFmpeg DLLs.

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